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Tällä sivustolla käytetään evästeitä

Tämä sivusto hyödyntää toiminnan kannalta välttämättömiä evästeitä sekä sivuston kehittämisen mahdollistavia tilastointievästeitä. Joidenkin sisältöjen näyttäminen voi lisäksi edellyttää markkinointievästeiden hyväksymistä. Lue lisää käyttämistämme evästeistä.​​​​​​

Evästeasetuksesi on tallennettu.

EMPOWER - itSMF Finland annual conference 2023

Join us at our annual conference filled with the very latest developments and key topics influencing the service management future! ItSMF Finland is an independent and non-profit foundation with the aim to bring together people and organisations to share knowledge, experiences and research in the area of service management.

Conference is also suitable for english-speaking participants. There will be a full track of program in English.

Time to unleash the power of creativity and productivity!

Real success is the usable ability to act that comes from competences and agreed and understood ways of working! ItSMF Finland's 19th annual conference will focus on this theme with the theme Empower, sharing experiences and insights to enable better and more effective ways of delivering and consuming services.


Digital transformation and automation should lead to people and organisations being able to function better than before, thanks to designed and agreed services and ways of working. This requires not only the capabilities of individuals and organisations, but also fruitful collaboration between them. In Empower, we focus on how to build the capabilities of individuals and organisations, but above all how to empower each other through our interactions to work better for the benefit of all parties.

We have planned the following themes for the event:

  • Empowering organisations: Enterprise service management - delivering services beyond IT
  • Empowering people. How to motivate people of different age so that they, and therefore organisations, can reach their full potential. After all, the fact is that people do all the work in organisations. Even machines and artificial intelligence only do their part after human intervention and under human control. And they do it better and more sustainably when their wellbeing is ensured.  
  • Empowering partners and suppliers: we plan to have presentations on how to be an enlightened customer and how to build and manage your suppliers and your relationship with them without being a constraint to value creation.
  • Empowering AI and automation: machine learning and AI were put into practice at the beginning of the year when everyone had the opportunity to get first-hand experience, for example through ChatGPT. Our aim is to get some contributions from the application experience and the ethical and practical challenges it brings and how to overcome them.
  • Empowering assets: even after decades, organisations are still struggling to manage their assets. We also aim to bring practical examples from familiar topics such as software, infrastructure and cloud asset management. 
  • Empowering sustainability: Organisations have a lot of opportunities to influence the impact they have on the environment in which they operate. Also consumer and society make choices that enforce externally organizations to act in sustainable way. We are trying to bring presentations that would illustrate from experience the kinds of responsible choices that organisations and their people can make when providing and consuming services.

The annual conference is taking place on Thursday 2.11.2023 in Sokos Hotel Presidentti (Eteläinen Rautatiekatu 4, 00100 Helsinki). Program and speakers are announced on a weekly basis so stay tuned by following it Service Management Forum Finland in Linkedin! Welcome aboard by yourself or together with colleagues!
The conference will be accompanied by separate workshops on Wednesday 1.11.2023 afternoon. The exact times, topics and places will be announced later. There are a limited number of seats available for the workshops. You can attend a workshop even if you will not attend the conference itself.
The conference will also announce the winners of the 2023 Service management organisation and Service management act -competitions!
After the official conference agenda we shall move into a more casual feeling and activities. We shall enjoy the delights of food, drinks and most importantly each other in form of networking together. The evening program, food and beverages are included in the conference ticket.

Check out the program and get your tickets from event site www.itsmfvuosikonferenssi.fi!

Please note that you can also buy ticket packages earlier and enroll actual participants later.

Getting There:

By local public transportation

Conference center is well accessible via public transportation. Central railway station is 3 blocks away and subway station Kamppi 2 blocks away. HSL -named mobile application available. Find out more.

By car

Conference center is located next to a EuroPark parking facility. Check the details here.

By air

Conference center is located 20 km / 30 minutes from Helsinki airport. We recommend direct train connection from Helsinki-Vantaa airport to end station Helsinki Railway station. Also taxis with fixed fare available. In case of Taxi we recommend to confirm the pre-agreed price from the driver. The prices from airport to central Helsinki are fixed as shown at the airport info. Find out more.

Need accommodation?

By far the easiest way to enjoy conference is to book a room from the same hotel that the conference takes place. Check out availability and rates at Original Sokos Hotel Presidentti.


Read more and enroll here!


Interested to speak in the conference?

The Call for Speakers is now open for our annual conference. Click here to submit your speaker outline.

Interested to participate as partner?

Contact lari.peltoniemi@itsmf.fi and we will find a proper package for you!